Friday, May 30, 2008

Lots and lots o' squares

Yesterday we met with the facilities managers and narrowed our proposals down to 2 for each space. Here are some images of one of my more developed proposals for the five Marycrest lounges. 

I was attracted to the use of multiple panels forming an irregular grid, in order to provide the spaces with variation, depth and texture. For each floor I've chosen a different color theme, as well as a different photo transfer of images from around Dayton. 
These images include downtown, the wright flyer, the ghetto (student neighborhood), the dayton art institute, and the humanities building on campus. 

There are approximately 150 panels and all, which I would like to make out of wooden doors. Each collection of paintings would be about 7 feet wide and 4 feet high on walls that are 16 1/2 by 8 1/2 feet. 




short video (approx 3 min) sampling some of my proposed artwork with some of lucas's (lucas'?)(lucases?) music. the focus was repetition and time, given that this is a hallway that leads from the outside to dorm rooms, from dorm rooms to the outside, to a conference room, and to a cafeteria.

-nate x

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

someone's a fan...

Christine, Sara, and I went to the canal street tavern to see Sharon Lane play.  it was amazing.  Christine even brought Jeff Jones along.


measuring lawnview

Artem needed to measure the laundry room in Lawnview, so Nate and I opted to help him out.  You can imagine how much work I did..

it is now completely clear where Nate Christopher actually came from...

Artem was convinced the washers led somewhere else

"the throne"


more work photos


Monday, May 26, 2008

work days

here are some studio pictures of us kids that i have been meaning to add.  from top to bottom:  christine, nate, artem, lucas, and sara.

christine is building models of her space our of chip-board.

i thought nate could not see me... turns out i am not all that stealthy.

artem is a self-proclaimed leper. (hence the bandana)

lucas works mostly on the computer, pasting bits of soundwork together: always a treat.

sara always paints like this.

i am completely serious.

plenty more on the way
 - katie

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

marianist,thrift shop adventures, and such...

Hi Everyone! For my project I am working in the Marianist building. I am putting up
artwork in the first floor, second floor, and fourth floor halls. As you can see the halls are pretty plain- neutral colors and blank walls. I plan on putting up some photography and maybe incorporating some printmaking in there somewhere, (with sara's help). Some of my ideas include taking color pictures in the marianist library in Roesch (UD's library) and taking pictures in Merc (Merk??) the warehouse/gallery downtown on third st. that had an incredible setup for Urban Nights. We'll see what happens!

The image to the right is a picture of one of my cardboard models for Marianist. A few of us have started making our models early. We each have to make models for our spaces. That's been an interesting experience...

So what has been my motivation in getting through the cardboard fiasco? Well, I'm glad you asked.....

Katie and Lucas and I went on a thrift shop adventure, visting a few stores in town for stuff for our projects which is where I found this Lite Brite. And I love it. It's in mint condition almost. I also found a great soviet union record from the sixties which Artem has been translating at random. It's fantastic, too. And fun to listen to while working!
That's all for now!


Marycrest Lounges

Here is some info on my other spaces...the 5 middle lounges in Marycrest.
I thinking at least one big painting on the large right wall of each space, and if time, maybe one or two corresponding smaller paintings above the trash compartments. That way the viewer sees art no matter which direction they are coming from. 

Artists I've really been drawn to for this project include Maggie Taylor (thank you Christine, for introducing me to her!)and  Tanja Softic. No concrete ideas yet in regards to subject matter.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

public art

in the van to go tour dayton for public art
first stop was mcmrf (mcmrv?)... it stands for something... but i don't remember what. they don't have public art, but they do have a ton of stuff that could potentially make art
we stopped at this legal graffiti wall to check this version of public art... you know... the graffiti kind...

then went around riverscape to see statues of some really rich white people. christine really liked his yellow sweater

lucas just really liked himthey had a sculpture of the first giant cash register. we celebrated by jumping on it
i thought it might be fun to lose my wallet
those guys thought it might be fun to steal some rims


Monday, May 19, 2008

katie's periscope ...

.a lost traveler was tired...and so was it with function?


Founders Lobby

Sara here. Investigated one of the 6 rooms I have been assigned (the other 5 are lounges in Marycrest.) Here in the lobby of Founders there is extremely poor lighting and drab decor. 
My initial ideas are to create some framed silkscreens along the wall behind the couch, probably containing patterns linked to stained glass or floral elements (preferably with some tie to UD or the city of Dayton in general). It was my hope that I could enlarge this design and paint directly on the wall with windows, but due to limitations placed on the spaces by facilities this may not be possible.

For Marycrest I'm thinking two paintings per lounge. And watch out for our performance pieces. Poetry readings and such. :)

We'll see.


..a temporary affair with fruit of loom..

...attacked by sprinklers, nate came out the victor with a level9 defense sheild...

...jeff suggested the close ups...


us, as accurately as my preschool drawing skills could allow.

squid machine

lucas says this is our first group project. he also says it's part accident, part art. he also mumbled something about gnawing the scalp as he walked away.

this is a little video we made featuring some music by lucas because everything we said during the filming was pretty stupid about how cool we thought it looked.


location location location

artem has south quad, which includes lawnview and artstreet. still no word on what he will do and exactly where he will do it

christine has marianist which includes the second and fourth floors as well as the hallway on the first floor leading to west

katie has the north wing of marycrest. seven floors of terror

lucas has vwk along with...

me, nate, though we don't know where all we'll be able to go in that building

and sara has both the founders main lobby and 3-7 in the middle in marycrest